How to Stop Shin Splint Pain Treatment.

Hi Guys! Welcome to Stability Before Strength.

My name is Oscar, and I’ll be your host. Let’s get started by going over the five steps to shin splints treatment. I will be going over each step and how to safely stop shin splints pain. Let’s go to the first step. If you have chronic shin splints pain, you probably want to stop or decrease duration and intensity of the activity that exacerbates the pain until you fully recover.

You will also benefit by icing your shins for five-ten minutes a couple of times a day. You can do this by freezing a styrofoam cup of water and using it to ice your shins to help decrease the swelling and inflammation/Skinnebensbetændelse which can help decrease the pain in your shin.

My brother used to do this many times a week because he suffered from severe shin splints while running cross country in high school and this helps him. And part of the reason was that we often neglected exercises to strengthen the weaker muscles and stretches of the tight muscles. Which brings me to the second step The second thing you want to do is to stretch your calf muscle and the muscles that cause inflammation of the muscle joint which includes the Peroneus muscle group.

You can do this with the help of a small dumbbell. Simply place the dumbbell under your calf and move your leg side to side and up-and-down a few minutes on each side most days of the week you can lessen the intensity by lifting up your hips using your hands and this could be a little uncomfortable at first but after a few times it should feel a lot easier to do. A few minutes on each side for most days of the week.

You can perform simple static stretches but I found that breaking the connective tissue really helps to relieve some of that pain in your shin The third step involves performing specific endurance exercises to strengthen a few muscles: the Tibialis Anterior, the soleus, Posterior Tibialis and also your hip stabilizing muscles, specifically your gluteus medius and minimus. Click on the link to see how these exercises are performed and to gradually progress. For the Tibialis Anterior, you can perform duck walks for fifteen-twenty seconds to begin.

For the soleus and posterior tibialis perform calf raises but holding it for fifteen-twenty seconds, to begin with, and for the Gluteus Medius and Minimus perform fire hydrants fifteen twenty repetitions two to three times a week. The fourth step is to avoid running downhill, especially hard unstable surface, like concrete. When you run or walk downhill, some of your muscles have to work harder to help break the motion while running downhill.

That is known as the eccentric contraction which happens to be the most demanding of all the contractions so far muscle contractions If your muscles aren’t strong enough to help, then your shin bone takes the brunt of the force, specially when running on concrete This causes you to have pain in your shin, so avoid running downhill, and on unstable surfaces The last step is to check your shoes for excessive wear and tear, and you might benefit from getting a new pair of shoes that help prevent excessive pronation and possibly invest in a good pair of insoles or even orthotics.

A good pair of shoes and insoles can not only help decrease your shin pain but can make running more enjoyable. You can get these shoes at your local running store and shoes are very important because we put most of our weight on our feet, so it’s a good idea to invest in a good pair since you take thousands of steps every time you run.

For example: on average, runners take sixty to ninety steps with one leg in one minute and in 20 minutes of running, it is about twelve hundred eighteen hundred steps, and you multiply that by two that’s twenty-four hundred thirty-six hundred total steps when you run. So, this is important. Remember, don’t ignore the pain because this can lead to a stress fracture in your leg that might require surgery and you might not be able to run for months or do the activities that you love. Just follow these simple steps to stop shin splints pain. Thanks for watching. I hope this video was helpful and informative. See you guys next time!.

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Shin Splints Treatment: